
Why Is Indomie Ban In Nigeria.

Indomie is a brand of Instant Noodles, loved by some Nigerians. Indomie is known in Nigeria because of its awesome taste, and it has been imported into Nigeria for the past years. But now, Indomie is ban from being imported into Nigeria.

So in this article, I will tell you the reason why Indomie is ban from being imported into Nigeria. So just keep reading on.

Indomie Logo.

The IndomiTables.

While Indomie was still being imported into Nigeria, they also brought the Indomitable, a unique superheroes stickers for the kids so they will also have some to play with. And I must say, the Indomitables are quite impressive. There are five superheroes; Swifty, Bigboy, Stretchy, Vision and Tweeny.

The Indomitables.

Why Was Indomie Ban In Nigeria.

The National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC) in Nigeria, recalls the Indomie “special chicken flavour” by Ministry of Health in Malaysia on account of the presence of substances that can increase the risk of cancer in someone’s body, so NAFDAC had to to take quick actions to carry out analysis of Indomie for the presence of substances that can lead to cancer (ethylene oxide).

And they also investigated other brands of Indomie in Nigeria. And so they are still investigating, and they want to assure everyone that the investigation will be conducted in both markets and factories levels.

The Indomie “special chicken flavour”is not registered with NAFDAC in Nigeria. And thereby, Indomie is no longer permitted to be imported into Nigeria.

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