There is a feeling customers of bank have when the bank they’re banking with is up to date with the innovation in the banking industry. Have you ever experienced not being able to make payment for a product you purchased simply because you lost your ATM and you can’t also go to the bank because its late.worst still you are using a small phone which does not have internet access?, well i have been in that position before and my saving grace was the USSD Code.The First City Monument Bank USSD code was design to make life easy for their customers,both old and new customers at large.This USSD code are made available for customers who are unable to use the modern technology (Smart Phones) and whose bank branch isn’t close to them.
About FCMB USSD Code
The FCMB USSD code is a three digit number(*329#),which helps customers perform all banking transactions on the go,with the FCMB USSD code, banking is made fast,convenient, secure and easy for customers.Customers who can not go to the bank are easily able to make transfers, buy airtime, pay bills etc
How to Get Started with the FCMB USSD Code
To register for the FCMB USSD Code you are to Dail *329*0# from your phone and follow the prompt on the screen to Activate your Account. When your phone number has been activated you can then begin to use the services available on the FCMB USSD platform which are to transfer funds, buy airtime and data for self and others, pay bills,block and unblock a debit card, block and unblock account number etc.
How to make Transfer to FCMB Account from your phone using USSD code
To transfer funds from your FCMB Account to FCMB account simply Dial *329*Amount*Account number# press Enter to proceed or Dial *329*0# follow the prompt on the Screen. remember to cross check the account details to avoid sending the money to a wrong account.
How to Make Transfers to other Banks using FCMB USSD Code
To transfer funds from your FCMB account to other bank accounts simply Dial *329*0# and follow the prompt on the screen to proceed.
How to Block and Unblock your Debit Card USing FCMB USSD Code
Imagine you lost your Debit carrd or the debit card got stolen, Do not worry FCMB USSD code got your back, you can now block your lost debit card using this code *329#, select the self-service option, then select block account option to block the account .

How to Check Your Account Statement for up to 6months using FCMB USSD Code
A lot of FCMB customers are not aware that they can check their account statement just by using the USSD code. with the FCMB USSD code you can now check your account details for up to 6months.To check your statement of account simply Dial *329# and select the statement option,Next select full statement from the displayed option then select the duration you want to see, it can be from up to 4 months etc. Your statement will be sent to your registered email address instantly.
There is no limit to what FCMB customers can do with the USSD code, for whatever transaction you wish to carry out using USSD is one of the surest way.
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