iPhone 15 and other ranges of iPhone are produced by an American company, Apple which has its headquarters in California, United States. And Apple is a multinational technology company which produces over technological things like air-pods, iPads, and lots more.
The founders of Apple are Roland Wayne, Steve Jobs & Steve Wozniak. iPhone is an internet phone and that is what the “i” stand for. I know you must be wondering if iPhone 15 is out, but no it isn’t out yet.
Just imagine someone that is still using iPhone 6 while iPhone 15 is coming, LOL. You still have a long way to go, just come back to Android. And you returning back to Android is just like the prodigal son returning home. Hmm… that’s all I’m gonna say.
In this article, I will tell you some things you need to know about iPhone 15. So all you need to do is keep reading on.

When Will iPhone 15 Be Released.
Just like I said, iPhone 15 is not out yet. But iPhone 15 will be released in September 2023.
And the date of the release of iPhone 15 stirred up reactions online, where people said “so iPhone 15 is coming, which person’s destiny are we going to sell to but it” and someone replied “sell your girlfriend’s” and he said “it is if she has one”.
Colors Of iPhone 15.
The colors of iPhone 15 are;
- Green.
- Pink.
- Sky blue.
I want to ask you a question, will you choose iPhone 15 or a life time supply of food. Drop your answers in the comment section below.
Things To Know About iPhone 15.
Here are some essential things you need to know about iPhone 15.
- The ranges of iPhone 15 storage are;
- 256GB.
- 512GB.
- 1TB.
- iPhone 15 comes in different models and they are;
- iPhone 15.
- iPhone 15 Plus.
- iPhone 15 Pro.
- iPhone 15 Pro Max.
- iPhone 15 series will have significantly large battery, and they are;
- iPhone 15- 3,877mAh.
- iPhone 15 Plus- 4,912mAh.
- iPhone 15 Pro- 3,650mAh.
- iPhone 15 Pro Max- 4,852mAh.
Apple’s New AirPods.
Apple is working on AirPods that have features from the future, Oh men I’m good at rhymes.
- The AirPods are going to have new health sensors such as body temperature via the ear canal.
- A new hearing test feature that will play different tunes to screen for possible hearing issues.
If Apple can produce the Vision Pro then they can do it.
iPhone 14 Battery Sizes.
iPhone 14 battery sizes aren’t large like iPhone 15’s.
- iPhone 14 Pro- 3,279mAh.
- iPhone 14 Plus- 4,325mAh.
- iPhone 14 Pro- 3,200mAh.
- iPhone 14 Pro Max- 4,323mAh.
How To Backup Your iPhone/ iPad.
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