The word of the day is ” SMS REDIRECTION “
Well, that’s two words but tell friends and family about it when you’re done reading this post written in detail to expose a new form of Internet Fraud.
Virtually every Email Service provider, social media account or banking App uses your phone number as a means of password recovery or Login verification. Upon request, a unique SMS code is generated and sent to your Phone number which either allows change of password or approves a login from a new device.
It was all fun and games until the dark side of the internet figured out how to request and redirect these SMS codes sent by Facebook, WhatsApp, Telegram, Instagram, Gmail, Yahoomail, Netflix. With the SMS redirected, someone can login and access your messages and personal information, blackmail you if sensitive information is found or even send messages to all your contacts while pretending to be you.
“Invest 100,000, gain 200,000 in less than 30 Minutes” – These are the most common type of messages that will be sent to your contacts and few that trust you will fall victim and pay the scammers money without knowing your account is hacked.
How to prevent hackers from accessing your Social Media and email
Turn On 2-Step Authentication – SIMPLE!
2-Step Authentication is a New Security Feature available on Any social media you use or email account.
How to Turn on 2-Step Verification on WhatsApp
- Open WhatsApp Settings and click Accounts
Click “Two-Step Verification” and create a digit PIN. This PIN will be required periodically and also when you login WhatsApp into a new device. So even if hackers enter your whatsapp number on a new device and redirect your SMS to receive the WhatsApp code, they will not be able to guess your 6 Digit Authentication code.
- Enter an Active email address Also. This email must be functional because if you forget your digit PIN, a link will be sent to the email to reset your 2-Step PIN.
Please ensure your Email is also secured with 2-step else they can access your email and reset your whatsapp 2step authentication code.
How to Turn on 2-Step Verification on FaceBook
Open FaceBook App and Click ” Settings and Privacy ” from the Menu icon
- Click Settings >> Security and Login >> and turn on Two-Factor Authentication
- When you Login from a new device (or hackers try to access your account), a 6 Digit code will be required from your Facebook Mobile App Code Generator found in Settngs and Privacy.
How to Secure Other Social Media and email accounts with 2-Step Authentication
Instagram users: Turn on Two Factor Authentication App from your Profile>> Settings >> Security >>
It does not use SMS to send codes, rather an App called ” Google Authenticator” is available on the PlayStore or Apple Store that will generate Codes requested when you login from unrecognized devices.
Email Security Yahoo Mobile App and Gmail mobile App must be downloaded and logged in first, then turn on 2-Step Authentication from the Account security settings of both emails – Preferably done from the WEB version of your email Not from the App.
If you followed all these steps above, your Social Media and email are now 100% hacker proof. Be careful who has physical access to your mobile device and do not lose your device needed to authenticate logins.
It’s a Good Idea to save Offline recovery codes provided to you in the 2-step authentication settings as they can be used 1 time to access your account if you loss your 2-FA device.
Do not keep this useful information to yourself, share with friends on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram.
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