A drivers’ license is a authorization that allows someone drive a motorcycle or motor vehicle. If you are driving a car without a drivers’ license, you can be arrested or told to pay a specific amount of money. So its good to have a drivers’ license when you drive.
And the Federal Road Safety Corps is the authority in charge of giving drivers’ license in Nigeria.
So in this article, I will tell you how you can get a drivers’ license in Niger. So just keep reading on.

Requirements To Get A New Drivers’ License.
For you to get a new drivers’ license in Nigeria, the requirements are:
- You must have completed driving school.
- You must be older than 18 years.
How To Renew Your Drivers’ License.
If you are a holder of a valid driver’s license, you can get a new license at anytime from 30 days before the expiry date of the license.
If you want to apply for a commercial license class, you can visit a Drivers License Centre close to you.
To get a renewed drivers’ license, visit the Nigeria Drivers’ License website.
How To Get A Reissued Drivers’ License.
You can get a reissued drivers’ license if your former one got lost, was stolen, damaged, etc. You can apply to the authority for a new license, after doing the following.
- Swear an affidavit stating that your license was lost, got stolen, etc.
- Get a police extract stating that your license was lost, stolen, etc.
- Pay the charge set by government.
If you want to apply for a commercial license class, you can visit a Drivers License Centre close to you.
You can visit the Nigeria Drivers’ License website, for a reissued drivers’ license.
How To Apply For A Drivers’ License In Nigeria.
To get a drivers’ license, follow these easy steps.
- Visit the Nigeria Drivers’ License website.
- On the apply new tab, click apply now.
- Choose the category of drivers’ license you are applying for (motorcycle or motor vehicle).
- Complete the drivers’ license application form online.
- Visit VIO for driving test.
- Pay the license fee at a bank or online.
- Confirm your payment at your state BIR office.
- Go to the FRSC officer at the DLC for biometrics data capture.
- Visit your DLC, MLA, VIO and present your present application form or temporary license so you will be given an original drivers’ license.
And that is all.
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