The Emmanuel TV is creating the opportunity for those who decide to commit themselves in God’s cause such as helping lives, reaching out to the troubled ones, those in need and preach the sweet and wonderful story of Jesus Christ, to become partners with them to help with the increase of global humanitarian works both locally and globally.

The Emmanuel TV is one of the largest Churches, with an only branch in Lagos, Nigeria with the Executive Producer, T.B. Joshua as its head that is notably recognized for the live miracles, healing ,testimonies and deliverance on its TV station that streams 24/7 hours, everyday. And with their logo tile ‘Changing lives,changing nations changing the world’, it clearly explains the purpose of what they are trying to impact into the world and that’s why your partnership will help come a long way in the support of the humanitarian side of the ministry.

The benefits you’ll ask?, well some of them are as follows when you partner with the Emmanuel TV;
When you have registered with them on the website, you will receive a personal partner number.
You will get notifications of any upcoming major event or crusade.
Privileges of having telephone line counselings and prayers .
Get up to date news and information from the Emmanuel TV team.
What more to ask from just donating gifts and a little from your savings to help and besides by giving, you are planting the best seeds for yourself to multiply in thousands in reward for you as God sees all your dedication and get the best from God. Wouldn’t you want that?, now unto the next step .
How To Register as a Partner
Please note, before following the steps below, you must have a valid email address(this serves as a means to get notification from the Emmanuel Team on any information you might need or need to deliver to them).
If you already have an email address, click on the link Emmanuel TV Partnership Sign up Details to fill in on the form whatever information necessary such as your name, address, email and residential address, your monthly pledge in whatever currency and amount you want to give out in etc. which will be then submitted.
After that, you log onto Emmanuel Partnership log in using your email address and password you created while filling out the form.
Note: The payment options of your donations could either be through credit cards, direct deposits or transfers in Dollars, Euros, Pounds, Rands or Naira.
How To Donate Via Direct Deposit/ Credit Card.
See Emmanuel TV Bank Details for Partnership payments in Nigeria.
For More Enquiries;
Contact +234 (0) 703 305 6206 +234 (0) 703 126 5665
Email: [email protected]
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Let my special gift activated and understand it well for me.and also all yoke and Bunsen against me destroyed