Good morning business minded individuals and law abiding citizens reading this post. You’re here probably because you just registered a company or business name with the corporate affairs commission (CAC) and the next step after obtaining your certificate of incorporation would usually be to visit a state inland revenue board or Joint tax board office and provide your company information to get your Tax identity number.
Individuals who are also concerned about their tax status can also obtain a TIN which allows you remit tax directly and conveniently receive all incentives, tax allowances or exemptions due.

- The first and most important reason for a company to get their Tax Identification number after incorporation is because of legal implications.
It is required by law to pay tax – Company or individuals doing business in Nigeria without fulfilling this legal obligation can have serious implications on your business and directors of the company.
- Tax clearance certificate: If you’re interested in doing business with multinational corporations, contracts etc, A Tax clearance certificate is issued by the state tax office is required.
The document shows that you’ve payed your tax owed the government for a period. Besides that, it builds trust between you and other companies.
- Tax Incentives, allowances and Waiver of custom duty fees: Some incentives are paid by the government to some companies in industries that increase the Countries GDP or foster economic growth. Example, importers / exporters do not need to pay high custom duties for.
Now that the Corporate Affairs commission (CAC) allows online registration of business name and company incorporation, it’s the right thing for Joint Tax board to follow suit.
How to obtain TIN number Online.
Individuals and Non-Individuals please visit the Joint Tax Board Online verification portal to confirm if you already have a Tax Identity number (TIN) linked to your BVN, phone number or NIN or CAC Registration number.
Retrieve lost or forgotten TIN
Non-Individuals or those who have forgotten their TIN can also use this link to retrieve lost TIN it.
Register for Tax identity Number (TIN) Online Form
Only Company’s and Business names are allowed to register Online for TIN. Simply Register for TIN online
You’ll be required to correctly fill out the form without skipping any of the required fields marked with red asterisk *
Note: Correcting mistakes can cost you so be very careful. Consult your registration documents for details, don’t guess.
Since the site for the online TIN request Portal for Individuals is not yet available, you can always visit a Federal Inland Revenue office in your state to get that sorted. Despite online registration being available, we strongly recommend you use an FIRS office since they can be sometimes faster than online registration.
Let us know what you think of this new development and any issues you run into – hit the reply button.
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NOTE: This post is for educational purposes only, we do not represent the Joint tax board or FIRS.