If you are an intending user or already a user of DSTv and you are probably looking for more info on the DSTv packages and their price then you are on the right article.
DSTv has provided you with enough packages to suit your viewing needs, needs like: sports channels, movie series and others. The goodnews here is that you can now get all your favorite channels from the DSTv packages and also at an affordable price. In this article I will be showing you the different DSTv packages and their prices which will be listed below.

DSTv Packages and Prices
- DSTv Padi
- DSTv Compact Plus
- DSTv Compact
- DSTv Yanga
- DSTv Premium
- DSTv Confam.

- DSTv Padi: This package has over 45 channels, it has a free to air Nigerian programs and Africa Magic channel. It has both local and international news, kid, music, lots more. And the price is N2,500.
- DSTv Yanga: This package has over 85 channels an 7 HD channels, it offers you great entertainment on Africa Magic Epic and M-Net Movies. It also offers you good football channels, kids and educational channels, with local and international music channels. And the prcie is N3,500.
- DSTv Confam: DStv Confam package has over 105 channels with 10 HD channels. If offers your whole family entertainment, with lifestyle, music and documentaries channels, sport channels, kids, educational, series, drama, and novellas channels. And the price is N6,200.
- DSTv Compact:This package consist of amazing and entertaining channels. It has 130 channels, with over 20 HD channels, including local and international channels.
DSTv Compact price: N10,500.
- DSTv Compact Plus: This consists of all DSTv compact channels with 2 additional sports channels. This packages is mostly used by sport lovers.
DSTv Compact Plus price: N16,500. - DStv Premium: This premium package offers you premium entertainment with 160 channels, and 38 HD channels, including the latest blockbuster movies, award winning series, over 16 sport channels and lots more. And the price is N24,500.
Please notes, all these prices are for Nigeria only, and will be effective from May 1, 2023.
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