Guinness World Record (GWR) is an authority that is all about record breaking, GWR has offices in the United Arab Emirates, China, Japan, United State, and United Kingdom. And GWR also has official judges that verify records and make sure they are accurate all over the world.
Since Hilda Bacci brought her “Cook-A-Thon” into Nigeria, so many people want to break their own record. Maybe the reason is because of the fame and support Hilda Bacci got from everybody, so they too want to get that same same.
Even people that can’t do it, just want to do it to get famous. Like the woman that came with Massage-A-Thon, well she fainted in he process. And guess what, she didn’t win.
In this article, I will tell you all the “record-a-thon”. all you need to do is keep reading on.

Hilda Bacci Crashed GWR Website For Two Days.
Guinness World Record (GWR) said on their Twitter page that Hilda Bassey, popularly known as Hilda Bacci crashed their website for two day because of the level of traffic they were getting from her.
During that period when Hilda Bassi attempted to break her record, so many people were visiting the GWR website frequently clicking every link, visiting every page, just to stay updated on Hilda’s “cook-a-thon”.
No wonder, when I was prepare my previous article about Guinness World Record, when I visited their website, it was so slow and at a point it will show server error. That means I also added to their traffic.
GWR: Enough Of The Record-A-Thon.
You know everybody is looking for fame and by introducing GWR to Nigeria, ah, you have opened way for everybody.
So Guinness World Record is tired of always recording different “record-a-thon” from different people. So it seemed like “record-a-thon” is the only record that Nigerians want to break.
So Guinness World Record said on their Twitter page that it is enough with “record-a-thon”. So guys, it time to look for another record to break.
Reasons Why People Attempted To Break Guinness World Record.
The main reasons why people attempt to break the GW Record is because of fame and boredom.
When Hilda attempted her record, she got famous and top celebrities in Nigeria were congratulating her. So maybe that is why other people want to break a record so they can be famous too.
And the second one is boredom. When people are bored, they want to do something just to keep them self busy. so they attempt to break a record.

Guinness World Record “Record-A-Thon”.
Here are some record-a-thon that were attempted in Nigeria. Some were achieved while some weren’t.
- Cook-A-Thon: Where Hilda Bacci attempted to cook for 100 hours.
- Sing-A-Thon: A man attempted to sing for 200 hours.
- Another Cook-A-Thon: Another lady attempted to cook for 200 hours.
- Pray-A-Thon: A man attempted to pray for 5000 hours.
- Massage-A-Thon: A woman attempted to massage for 50 hours, and guess what she collapsed.
- Cry-A-Thon: A man attempted to break the record for longest crying of about 500 hours.
So there they are, some record-a-thon that were attempted. If you know more you can drop them in the comment section below.
Crazy Moments Of Nigerian Artists On Stage.
How To Break A Guinness World Record.
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